There are emergency procedures in place in multiple states due to extreme weather. >>Learn More

Live in the West Region? There is now a referral approval waiver in place through March 31, 2025. >>Learn More

Also, you have until March 31 to set up  your payment info if you pay by EFT, credit card, or debit card. This is for TRICARE Prime, TRICARE Select, TYA, TRS, and TRR plans. If you miss this deadline, you will be disenrolled back to Jan. 1. Visit today.

About Us


Mission Of The IG Hotline:

The mission of the IG Hotline is to provide a method to receive and investigate allegations of significant fraud, waste, abuse and/or mismanagement. Military and civilian personnel are required to report suspected wrong doing to their chain of command. This is the preferred mechanism because it reinforces the primacy of the chain of command and allows problems to be addressed at the lowest level. The IG Hotline provides an alternative to the chain of command when a complainant reasonably fears reprisal or believes that the chain of command has been unresponsive.

Matters Appropriate for Hotline Complaints (which would be investigated at the command level):

  • Abuse of title or position
  • Bribes/Kickbacks/Acceptance of Gratuities
  • Conflicts of Interests
  • Ethics Violations
  • False Official Statements/Claims
  • Fraud
  • Gifts (improper receipt or giving)
  • Improper Referral for Mental Health Evaluations
  • Mismanagement/Organization Oversight (significant Cases)
  • Misuse of Official Time, Government Property, Position and Public Office
  • Political Activities
  • Purchase Card Abuse
  • Reprisal (Military Whistleblower Protection)
  • Safety/Public Health (Substantial/Specific)
  • Systemic Problems
  • Time and Attendance (Significant Violations)
  • Travel Card Abuse
  • Travel Fraud (TDY and TAD)
  • Waste

How to file a local IG Hotline Complaint:

  • Verbally - Call the Hotline recording at 360-257-9804 and leave a message.
  • In person – With Command Evaluation who are located on the 3rd Floor of Mt. Olympus Room 3019.
  • Electronic mail - Send an email to: This method does not protect your anonymity. By using this method you acknowledge that your privacy is not guaranteed because your complaint has not been encrypted. If you are not comfortable submitting your complaint via e-mail, you may mail your complaint to us at the below address.

Mail the Naval Health Clinic Oak Harbor IG Hotline form or your complaint to:

OAK HARBOR, WA 98278-8800

Click here if you would like a print out of our form: NHCOH Hotline Form.

Information To Include In Your Complaint:

  • Who? (Service member's or employee's full name, rank/grade, and duty station.)
  • What? (Specific wrongdoing, and why you believe that the activity was misconduct, to include the rule, regulation or law you think they violate.)
  • Where? (Location where the wrongdoing occurred.)
  • When? (Specific dates and times.)
  • How Much? (Estimated dollar loss.)
  • Why and How? (Describe why and how you believe the individual perpetrated the offense.)
  • What have you done to resolve the issue?
  • What you want the IG to do.

Resolution and status of Hotline Complaints:

Most investigations are completed within 90 days. While the investigation is ongoing, we can only tell you whether the case is open. Once the investigation is closed, if the complainant has identified themselves they will receive a letter informing them whether the allegations were substantiated or unsubstantiated.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: What can you expect when you file a hotline complaint?

A: An investigator will evaluate your complaint and determine if the matter warrants investigation or if we should refer your complaint to other authorities or the command for a response. We will send a confirmation letter to let you know what action was taken on your complaint if you provide your name and address. We are unable to notify anonymous complainants of the results of an investigation if we do not have an address. Don't expect instant action on your request ... be patient.

Q: What does the Hotline Investigator expect from someone who makes a complaint to the hotline?

A: The Hotline Investigator expects you to provide answers to the questions listed on the Naval Health Clinic Oak Harbor IG Hotline Form and/or Step 3 of the 4-Step Hotline Complaint procedure pamphlet. Remember, the more information you provide the better we can assist you. Be prepared to provide supporting evidence.

Q: Do we guarantee we will conduct an investigation?

A: Generally, we will not accept a complaint if:

You do not submit your complaint within 90 days, unless you can demonstrate that you were unable to meet the time requirement due to extraordinary circumstances or unforeseen delays.
You have not addressed your issue with the command.
You have not used an appropriate complaint process for military and civilian employees such as Board for Correction of Naval Records, Equal Opportunity/Equal Employment Opportunity, Administrative Grievance Procedure, etc.
Another investigation is being conducted into the matter.
Q: If you do not agree with the results of the investigation, can you ask for reconsideration?

A: Yes. If you have new information to support your complaint, the case may be reconsidered. If, on the other hand, you are merely unhappy because you do not agree with the outcome, the IG will not conduct another investigation.

Contact Command Evaluation


Voicemail Line: 360-257-9804



OAK HARBOR, WA 98278-8800
Don't forget to keep your family's information up to date in DEERS!