About Us
Naval Health Clinic Oak Harbor (NHCOH) is a fully accredited, community-based acute care clinic located on Naval Air Station Whidbey Island.
Ambulatory Services:
Acute Care Services:
- Respiratory Screening/Testing
- Quick Care
Primary Care Services:
- Aviation Medicine
- Family Medicine
- Pediatrics
Specialty Services:
- Case Management
- Dental
- Deployment Health
- Health Promotions
- Mental Health
- Nutrition
- Occupational Health
- Orthopedics
- Physical Therapy
- Preventive Medicine
- Substance Abuse and Rehabilitation
Ancillary Services:
- Immunizations
- Laboratory
- Pharmacy
- Radiology
Quality of Care Concerns?
Do you have concerns about the quality of care you received? Naval Health Clinic Oak Harbor, a Joint Commission Accredited Healthcare Organization, wants to know about it.
We encourage you to bring your concerns to the Customer Relations Office. The Customer Relations Program is designed to help you resolve any questions, problems, or special needs that may arise regarding your visit.
We also encourage you to provide feedback by completing an ICE survey.
If we are unable to bring your concerns to a satisfactory resolution, your patient safety concerns can be reported to The Joint Commission:
Online at http://www.jointcommission.org, using the "Report a Patient Safety Event" link in the "Action Center" on the home page of the website.
Fax: 1-630-792-5636
Mail: Office of Quality and Patient Safety
The Joint Commission
One Renaissance Boulevard
Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois 60181
Helpful Information:
Appointments are available by calling the Puget Sound Military Appointment Center at 1-800-404-4506.
Health Net Federal Services customer service representatives can be reached by calling Health Net Federal Services at: 1-844-866-WEST (9378), or visit their website at: www.tricare-west.com.
The health clinic’s pharmacy is located in the hospital. Due to legal and hospital accreditation requirements, a licensed pharmacist must be present to dispense new prescriptions. For a more detailed description of our pharmacy services please visit their website at: NHCOH Pharmacy.
The DoD TRICARE Mail Order Pharmacy (TMOP) is available to receive up to a 90-day supply for most medications you take regularly. For more information on TMOP, call 1-866-363-8667, or visit their website at: www.express-scripts.com/tricare.
Health Promotions offer a wide range of classes including Tobacco Cessation, Weight Management, Shipshape, Healthy Heart and Diabetes Self- Management.
The Dental clinic provides a full spectrum of care to all military personnel attached to the air station and tenant activities. Clinic hours are from 0645 to 1545, Monday through Friday. Sick Call hours are from 0830 - 0930 and 1300-1400 Monday through Friday. Call 360-257-2302 for routine appointments and information. After hour dental emergencies are referred to:
WhidbeyHealth Medical Center 101 N Main St, Coupeville, WA 98239
Phone: (360)-678-5151
Island Hospital 1211 24th St, Anacortes, WA 98221
Phone: (855) 440-4200
Since family members are not seen at this facility for dental care, active duty members are strongly encouraged to enroll their family in the TRICARE Dental Program (TDP) operated by United Concordia Dental. This dental option is separate from TRICARE health care options. Your out-of-pocket expenses for any visits are not applied to the TRICARE catastrophic cap. For more information on TDP benefits contact a United Concordia Dental customer service representative: Stateside: 1-844-653-4061 or visit their website at: www.uccitdp.com
After hour emergencies (uncontrollable bleeding, loss of sight or limb) call 911. WhidbeyHealth is located at 101 N. Main Street in Coupeville, just 16 miles South of NASWI. Island Hospital is located at 1211 24th Street, Anacortes, WA approximately 20 miles East of NASWI.