Deployment Health Center
The Military Readiness Center has simplified the process of scheduling a Periodic Health Assessment (PHA). All patients requiring an annual PHA should complete the following steps:
- Complete the online electronic PHA (ePHA) at:
** Be sure to sign and save. There's no need to print.
- When completed, call 257-9949 or 257-9890 to schedule your virtual PHA appointment with a provider.
- You will be informed of any other individual medical readiness (IMR) requirements to complete such as dental, labs, immunizations, etc.
Additionally you can check your IMR status by visiting Bupers Online (BOL). If you have any questions, call us at the above numbers.
NEW Flight Physical & PHA process for Dental - EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY:
In order to address the Operational Need and reduce No-Shows, an appointment is now required for Flight Physical and PHA Dental Exams.
On a daily basis, the 0715-0830 time slots have been reserved and prioritized for flight physicals & PHA annual dental exams. Patients must CALL the Dental Directorate at (360) 257-2302 to schedule your appointment.
Going forward, if a patient does not make an appointment, the Dental Directorate cannot guarantee a same day appointment. If an appointment has not been made on the day of the flight physical/PHA, then the patient can proceed to the front desk to schedule one. Remember, for the guaranteed convenience of having the flight physical/PHA and the annual dental exam on the same day, a Dental appointment is required.
Scope Of Care:
The Deployment Health Center staff provides the annual Periodic Health Assessment for the active duty member. This is required every twelve months.
The Pre and Post Deployment Health Assessments for deploying and returning members are provided. Please contact your Command Individual Augmentee Coordinator (CIAC) to schedule an appointment or call (360)257-9635.
Links of Interest: **
- Deployment Health Center's Online Interactive Customer Evaluation (ICE) – Patients are invited to take our online Customer Services Survey every time you visit our facility, especially if you see a difference in the care you receive, whether positive or negative. This is the only way that we have of getting feedback from our Beneficiaries to try and make a positive and lasting impression of our facility and most importantly your healthcare treatment.
- Uniform Business Office – Questions Concerning Insurance.
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